100 Amp Commercial PWM, CCPWM
36576 x bekeken sinds 16 Jul 2014 15:52Kenmerken
Constant Current PWM (voor auto's) | 100 Amp Commercial Pro PWM |
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100 Amp Commercial PWM (Product 15/17)
High amperage, self-adjusting, Constant Current PWM (CCPWM) with remote display/controller
About the Constant Current PWM (for cars) and this professional 100 Amp Commercial PWM (with minor exceptions).
Main Components
- The LCD Display/Controller module. This device shows you the important readings of your PWM, and also controls the PWM so that it maintains its constant current maximum amperage. This device should be mounted in the passenger compartment of your vehicle so you can see at a glance what is going on with your HHO system.
- The PWM enclosed in the box with its switch and cooling fan. This is the actual PWM that does the work of pulsing the power to an HHO cell. This device should be mounted near your cell to minimize the length of any wire runs between your battery and the cell.
This is a high amperage, self-adjusting, constant current PWM with remote display/controller. Mount the controller/display in your cab and get constant readings on amps, volts, duty cycle, frequency, and any errors that may come up. You can monitor your reservoir level with a float switch input that will alert you when the reservoir gets low on electrolyte. Control amperage up to 100 Amps. Control frequency from 61 Hz to 10 Khz. Duty cycle is controlled automatically from 0% to 100%.
For more information on what a PWM is and how it works, please see:
This new professional PWM has the following features:
- On/off switch - Master switch for the whole system.
- Safety Shut-off - This system has 2 methods to detect when the engine isn't running, and shut itself down - a vital safety feature.
- The Pulse Width Modulator itself, which can adjust amperage from 0 to 100 amps.
- Constant Current Function: User selects the maximum current he wants the system to run. The PWM will never go over that current. When the current tries to go above the maximum current value, the duty cycle automatically reduces to maintain the current at its set maximum value. This prevents current run away that is common with other PWMs
- Frequency control. Unit can adjust frequency from 65 Hz up to 10 Khz.
- Separate LCD Display/Controller giving a continuous read out of the system Amps, Volts, Duty Cycle, Frequency and any Errors that may come up.
- Float switch monitoring function. Connect a float switch to the PWM and if the float switch activates, the controller will alert the user that the reservoir level is low.
- Voltage level monitoring. This feature allows the system to detect when the engine is not running, and shut itself off. This prevents draining the battery, and also prevents the system from making HHO when the car is parked - an important safety feature.
The dimensions of the PWM are 5-1/2" (wide) x 7" (long) x 2-7/8" (high).
5.5 in = 14 cm x 7 in = 18 cm x 7.875 in = 20 cm / rekenfactor 5000 = ruwweg 1 kg factureer baar gewicht, t.o.v.
Shipping Weight: 4.6lbs = 2.1 Kg
Het variabel/relatief laag invoerrechten percentage is: 4,2%.
Tariff code = HS code = Statistieknr. = 9030 231 00 = 4,2%
9030 -- Oscilloscoop, spectrumanalysetoestellen en andere instrumenten, apparaten en toestellen voor het meten of het verifiëren van elektrische grootheden; meet- en detectie-toestellen en -instrumenten voor alfa-, bèta- en gammastralen, röntgenstralen, kosmische stralen en andere ioniserende stralen
9030 231 00 Andere instrumenten, apparaten en toestellen voor het meten of het verifiëren van spanning, stroomsterkte, weerstand of vermogen: -- multimeters (universeel meters) .
Patrick Bresser, zaakvoerder namens Ester Bresser -van Eersel
Kerkdriel, Gelderland
06 46136681, Patrick
0418 640 240
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